Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Welcome All Again

I don't normally like to go on and on about whether or not I like anything I post here (do I?), but in this case, I think I'll let myself brag a bit. I REALLY like these. Maybe some of the best concert pictures I've ever done. I was at the Pageant to see Collective Soul and managed to get right up front along the rail. So in the last shot, when Ed Roland was crouching down, he was no more than 2 feet from me. The two shots of him are just awesome, I think. And considering I got them off a point-and-shoot, well that makes them even cooler. Ed is one of my favorite singers to watch. He's got a lot of stage presence.

The first shot is lead guitarist Joel Kosche. No real reason for it to be in b/w other than I felt like it. He wasn't as close as Ed, but the zoom did a nice job.



  1. those two shots of ed aRe good. --pop

  2. and the shot of joel is esp good when you blow the jpg up full screen. as are all your shots, always much more to appreciate in full screen. you do good work. --pop
