Sunday, February 21, 2010


So I did these back in.....October, I think, and I'm just now posting them. Whoops. Lots of other shots along the way.

Anyways. My coworker Jaime asked me to do some engagement pictures with her fiance Nick. So I obliged, and we had some fun shooting at the Citygarden downtown. Why it's spelled that way is beyond me. It was a brisk day, but they were kind enough to take their shoes off and go stand in the fountains for a few shots. No one got hypothermia, so all was well. The overhead shot was Jaime's idea, and I think it turned out well. The last shot was something I'd seen somewhere else and was keen on trying. I think it turned out alright, even though I forgot to hide some of the display settings. Also interesting is that the main shot is properly exposed, while the smaller image was a little over-exposed.

Also--scroll down for some kinda cool news!


1 comment:

  1. I reaLLY like the picture in picture. Perfect that .... good schtuff. --Pop
