Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Senior Services

Lessons learned from this shoot: MoBot will charge you a pretty penny to go in and do pictures of people, as opposed to the plants. But Tower Grove Park is close, and works as a suitable alternative. Photoshop can, with a few adjustments, make pictures taken on a gray day look almost appealing.

So this is my cousin, Maria. I took far more than what you see here, and I actually took some that one could use as a senior picture. But those aren't nearly as interesting as these, so they aren't here. Sorry. I should note that the glasses she's wearing are mine. Both of us were blind, so it's nice to have auto-focus.

I think that's all I got.



  1. the one with her wearing your glasses is my ABSOLUTE favorite. love it. she looks adorable!


  2. Very nice. I like the color combo, yellow flower and turquoise ring. You're learning your craft well, Son. With each shoot, you add depth, breadth and width to your portfolio. Outstanding ... Pop

  3. welp!

    she's become unrecognizable. COMPLETELY.

    or maybe you applied the 'misrecognization' filter.


