Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wrecking Bill

Another shot from the ARRG bout a couple weeks ago. Also, it seems to fit nicely with last week. From Demolition Dan to Wrecking Bill, I've got a weird little theme going here. Maybe a shot of Peter Gabriel next week?

I've had my eyes out for a biker for a long while now, but wasn't having much luck until I saw Bill out with his bike while I was standing in line. What you can't see in the picture is the built-in green light on the bike's bottom. Oh well. This shot does offer a nice look at the detailing on the bike handles and his really boss helmet, complete with spikes. So it evens out.



  1. ah .. but what you CAN see is the green light reflecting in the bottom of his hand brake lever. So, you got the shot anyway. I think. --Pop

  2. well i'll be.

    someone get this man a prize!
