Monday, July 13, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Every so often, when I need to get rid of something, mom will say something like "Mike's friend Don will take it." So over the past couple years, quite a few things from my house have gone down there. Vacuums and other small appliance-type things, mostly. I heard he had quite a collection of stuff in his shed, so I figured we had ourselves a winner here.

It was, I must say, pretty overwhelming. He told me he built his shed back in '94, so we must have about 15 years worth of stuff collected. Most stuff gets taken apart for later use, and some of it gets sorted out--the peg board full of washers was most impressive. And stories! I bet he could write a book about all this stuff. I even saw one of my old blenders. It seemed happy to see me.

I had originally planned this shoot back in April, but this that and the other got in the way. But I finally got it. And while I like the shot, I think I could have done better. Maybe stood back a couple more feet to show more of his surroundings. Or maybe it works as is. I'll let you decide.

Oh, and he grabbed the two tools on his own. I'm not entirely sure why, but there you go.
