Sunday, May 16, 2010

Framed! Pt. 3: Reflections

My favorite prop, the frame, makes a return after a long hiatus. I visited friends Kevin b/w Lindy in Springfield a couple weeks ago, and brought it along for the ride. I really like the "on the shoulders" bit in the first shot--they came up with that while I was staring off into space for a few minutes. The second one captures the idea I had in my head, that the frame is a self-contained world, and people always want out. Or something like that. Number three is fun--Kevin does not approve.

The mirror? Well, it was along because I thought it would be cool. And it is, but trying to keep myself out of the way is no small feat. I think it gave them much amusement to see me contorting myself in all manners to stay clear. I think it worked out well in the end, and I imagine it'll pop up again before all is said and done.
