Monday, May 31, 2010

Jolly Green and a Teaser

Hmm. I think "Jolly Green and the Teasers" would be a good name for a band.

Anyways--I can't talk much about the second shot. Well, I CAN, but I'm opting not to. I'll try and have the rest of the shots up in a few days, but rest assured, it was a lot of fun.

I can, however, talk about the first shot, which I took during the shoot that produced the second shot. Apparently the kid was part of a group on vacation from....California, I think, and they decided it would be fun to rent that suit and, well, go to town with it, I guess. I can't imagine it was very comfortable, what with it being many hot degrees on Saturday, but to each his own, I guess. There's something creepy about not really seeing anything in the face beyond vague features.

What you COULD see, though, was....his package (if you get my drift) rather prominently framed in the suit. The less said about that, the better.



  1. Very happy to see that he used his hands to cover the "package."


  2. Less said indeed. --Pop
